Tochioka is interested in Tangible (skin of the Earth with a tangible roughness). She is exploring the structure of today’s relationship between nature and people not only in the field of art but also in the catastrophe of “the emptiness of human sensitivity and material,” which arose from the development of civilization, such as the singularity.

Earth work
Her recent projects are to explore artistic expression with Inter-disciplinary approaches to confront with the natural environment glocally. Think globally, Act locally.

Science and art
Her works are projects that confronting essential contemporary light by seeing specific light in the time in structural visualization of noise phenomena in time perception.

She is a trans-disciplinary artist working across disciplines to develop public art projects that engage in social practice, ranging from installations to optical phenomena to the specificity of places and urban environments.

Curriculum Vitae

1991 Born in Osaka, Japan
2018-- Member of The Virtual Reality Society of Japan
2018-- Academic Project Support Staff, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
2017 Graduate school of Intermedia Art, Tokyo University of the Arts
2014 GWANJU Biennale intern / Korea
Kyoto Seika University, Oil Painting
2012 The University of Edinburgh / Edinburgh College of Art
2011 Artists Summit Kyoto ask breath project, Kyoto


2022-- The laboratoryWork-in-progress, Tokyo. (online)
2021 The laboratoryWork-in-progress, Tokyo. (online)
2018 (-19') The laboratory, Social Art Practice Projects, Tokyo.
2016 (-17' : Creators lunch team) Movie, Tokyo.
65th Tokyo University of the Arts Graduation.
2015 (-16') NAKANOJO Biennale, Gunma.
GWANJU Biennale/installation team Korea.
Wip, Ibaraki.
2014 KAMEYAMA Triennale, Mie, Designated cultural property, Mie.
Light Show, Shinjuku 2-chome, Tokyo.
ATLAS, Ibaraki.
2013 Keihannna Art Festiva "ARTCOM", Kyoto.
Non-deterministic meeting, 7-23 gallery, Kyoto.
Their progress, 7-23 gallery, Kyoto.
2012 "Clarendon House" Edinburgh, Scotland / UK.
Korean + Japan's Creator. BankART1929 NYK gallery A, Yokohama.
Kyoto international community house, Kyoto.
2011 Korean + Japan's Creator, Seoul GALLERY, Seoul / Korea.
2010 “HIMARI TOCHIOKA” Sbae Contemporary Art Center, Fukui.
“Misaki ” Misaki poultry or chicken farm, Fukui.


2023 SICE Annual Conference International Award (IA)
2022 LEXUS DESIGN AWARD 2022 Shortlist Artist / TOYOTA
2022 SI2022 Best Presentation Award
2021 The 9th Robot Award, Excellent Prize, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Machinery Federation, and related Ministries
2021 4th Infrastructure Maintenance Award, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award
2020 Innovative Technologies 2020 Special Prize - Vision -, Digital Content Association of Japan
2020 Innovative Technologies 2020 Sponsor Prize, Digital Content Association of Japan

Papers & Research

2023 Himari Tochioka, Tomohiro Sueishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Development of Dynamic Projection Mapping based on Ball Bounce Position Prediction, 28th Virtual Reality Society of Japan Conference (VRSJ2023) (Hachioji, 2023.9.14) / Proceedings, 3D2-01
2023 Himari Tochioka, Tomohiro Sueishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Bounce Mark Visualization System for Ball Sports Judgement Using High-Speed Drop Location Prediction and Preceding Mirror Control, SICE Annual Conference 2023 (SICE2023) (Tsu, 2023.9.8) / Proceedings
2022 Himari Tochioka, Tomohiro Sueishi, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Bounce Position Prediction Using High-speed Vision for Mark-based Decision in Ball Sports, The 26th System Integration(SI2022) (chiba, 2022.12.16), pp.2089-2092
2021 Himari Tochioka, Tomohiko Hayakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Effects of Video Latency and Target Acceleration on Human Perception Against Physical Sensation in Immersive Environments With Low Visual Feedback Delay, The 26th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ2021.9.14), 3B2-3
2021 Haruka Ikeda, Tomohiko Hayakawa, Himari Tochioka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Bilateral Display With Afterimage Effect Depending on Motions, IPSJ Interaction 2021(Online, 3.11), pp.57-63 (2021)
2021 Tomohiko Hayakawa, Himari Tochioka, Yuki Kubota, Ryota Mima, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Frame-rate dependence of perception in two kinds of illusions about color and shape : Application study of the Benham's top and rubber pencil illusions for video expression. 2021 (Expressive Japan 2021)
2020 Haruka Ikeda, Naoki Fujita, Himari Tochioka, Tomohiko Hayakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Measurements of Refresh Rate in a System with a High-Speed Camera and a High-Speed Projector, IEICE General Conference 2020.
2020 Naoki Fujita, Haruka Ikeda, Himari Tochioka, Tomohiko Hayakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Effects of Video Latency and Frame Rate on Human Perception in Immersive Environments With Low Latencyof Visual Feedback, IEICE General Conference 2020.
2019 Himari Tochioka, Haruka Ikeda, Tomohiko Hayakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Effects of Latency in Visual Feedback on Human Performance of Path-Steering Tasks, The 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2019) (Parramatta, NSW, Australia, 2019.11.12-15), Poster [doi:10.1145/3359996.3364726].
2019 Himari Tochioka, Tomohiko Hayakawa, Takuya Kadowaki, Haruka Ikeda, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Effects of Video Latency on Human Performance Against Physical Sensation in Immersive Environments With Low Delay of Visual Feedback, The 24th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ2019), 4C-5.[PDF].
2019 Tomohiko Hayakawa, Yuki Kubota, Yushi Moko, Yuka Hiruma, Himari Tochioka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Structural Monitoring System of Flaking and Peeling Based on Motion-Blur Compensation in High-Speed Transition, JSCE2019, VI146:1--VI146:3.
2019 Kubota, Tomohiko Hayakawa, Yushi Moko, Yuka Hiruma, Himari Tochioka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Visualization of Flaking and Peeling Using Laser Heating Optics with Variable Spot Size, JSCE2019, VI-145:1--VI145:3.
2019 Tomohiko Hayakawa, Takuya Kadowaki, Himari Tochioka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Motion-Blur-Compensated Microscopic Imaging System by Controlling the Optical Axis Using a Rotating Acrylic Cube, Focus on Microscopy 2019 (FOM2019) (London, 2019.4.16).
2016 Himari Tochioka: Contemporary Art as a Means of Awakening Contemporariness "EARTH PRINT - Expression of the Earth -" Master's Thesis Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Advanced Art and Design, Community and Art, Taho Ritsuko Laboratory

栃岡 陽麻里


1991 大阪生まれ
2018- 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科 システム情報学専攻 学術支援職員 在職中
2017 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 先端芸術表現専攻 修士課程 修了
2014 光州ビエンナーレインターンシップ / 韓国
京都精華大学 芸術学部 洋画学科 卒業
2012 The University of Edinburgh / Edinburgh College of Art 交換留学
2011 Artists Summit Kyoto ask breath project, 京都


2010 “栃岡陽麻里展” 鯖江現代美術センター, 福井


2018 (-19') The laboratory, Social Art Practice Projects. 東京
2016 (-17') Creators lunch team
第65回東京藝術大学 卒業・修了作品展
2015 (-16') NAKANOJOビエンナーレ, 群馬
Wip展, 茨城
2014 亀山トリエンナーレ, 指定文化財(建造物旧舘家), 三重
彩なす光の祭典, 新宿二丁目通り, 東京
ATLAS展, 茨城
2013 Keihannna Art Festiva “ARTCOM”, 京都
非決定的な対面, 7-23 gallery, 京都
彼女達の経過, 7-23 gallery, 京都
2012 Clarendon House, Clarendon House / UK
日韓合同展示会ETTEDA2011日本展 BankART1929 NYK A gallery, 横浜
2011 “地球人ようこそ” 京都国際交流会館, 京都
日韓合同展示会ETTEDA2011韓国展 Palais de Seoul GALLERY, ソウル / 韓国
2010 “みさき” 三崎養鶏場, 福井


  • Himari Tochioka, Haruka Ikeda, Tomohiko Hayakawa, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Effects of Latency in Visual Feedback on Human Performance of Path-Steering Tasks, The 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2019) (Parramatta, NSW, Australia, 2019.11.12-15). [Link]
  • Tomohiko Hayakawa, Takuya Kadowaki, Himari Tochioka, and Masatoshi Ishikawa: Motion-Blur-Compensated Microscopic Imaging System by Controlling the Optical Axis Using a Rotating Acrylic Cube, Focus on Microscopy 2019 (FOM2019) (London, 2019.4.16).
  • 池田 遼,藤田 尚輝,栃岡 陽麻里,早川 智彦,石川 正俊: 高速カメラ・プロジェクタ系におけるフレームレートの計測, 2020年電子情報通信学会総合大会 (東広島,2020.3.17-20).
  • 藤田 尚輝,池田 遼,栃岡 陽麻里,早川 智彦,石川 正俊: 没入環境におけるフレームレートおよび画像遅延が人間の動作に与える影響, 2020年電子情報通信学会総合大会 (東広島,2020.3.17-20).
  • 栃岡 陽麻里,早川 智彦,門脇 拓也,池田 遼,石川 正俊: 身体感覚と視覚情報にずれが生じる低遅延没入環境におけるフレームレートが人へ与える影響, 第24回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 (東京,2019.9.11-13). [Link] [PDF]
  • 早川 智彦,久保田 祐貴,望戸 雄史,蛭間 友香,栃岡 陽麻里,石川 正俊: 高速走行時におけるモーションブラー補償に基づくトンネル覆工浮き・剥離検査システム, 令和元年度土木学会年次大会第74回学術講演会 (香川,2019.9.3).
  • 久保田 祐貴,早川 智彦,望戸 雄史,蛭間 友香,栃岡 陽麻里,石川 正俊: 可変スポット径のレーザ加熱光学系を用いた浮き・剥離の顕在化, 令和元年度土木学会年次大会第74回学術講演会 (香川,2019.9.3).